Emergency Preparedness

Utilities Failure


  • Follow instructions from principal’s office 
  • Turn off equipment to avoid a power surge when power is restored
  • Bring a flashlight to bathroom and other interior areas where students may be located in case emergency lighting has not activated 
  • Follow instructions from principal’s office. Continue normal educational duties
  • If instructed to evacuate, follow evacuation procedures
  • Note: Propane is heavier than air and will tend to initially pool at floor level if it has leaked. It doesn’t take long, however, for it to expand and fill all available space. Avoid any action that could cause a spark
  • If you smell a strong odor of gas, immediately evacuate the classroom and notify the front office
  • Upon notification of a gas leak not in your classroom, do not operate any electrical switches or turn any equipment off/on. Do not use portable radios
  • Follow the evacuation route passed over phone intercom
  • Take attendance