Emergency Preparedness

Hazardous Material Release

  • A hazardous material release could include a chemical truck overturning, a chemical spill in class, or an outside gas leak. For the high schools, it could also include a chlorine leak at the swimming pool
  • All classrooms should have a radio. Turn it on and listen for updates from administrators
  • Take attendance and relay it to designated area
  • Remain with the students until the “all clear” is given or until receipt of further instruction
  • Accompany students to alternate site, if needed
  • Accompany students back to the classroom and take attendance 
  • If hazardous material is released in your classroom, pull fire alarm, evacuate the area immediately, shut the door and notify the principal’s office. Give information about the product spilled the volume spilled and contamination with any other chemicals
  • Upon notification of hazardous material released outside of your classroom, shut all windows/door and turn off air conditioners
  • If outside with students, remain upwind of any vapors and return to the building immediately. 
  • If instructed to take shelter, follow the procedures to take shelter 
  • If ordered to evacuate, follow evacuation procedures
  • Ensure aides assist handicapped students
  • Check bathrooms on the way out of the building to ensure all students have heard the evacuation order
  • Reassemble students in the pre-designated area
  • Take attendance and relay it to the designated area
  • Remain with the students until the “all clear” is given or until receipt of further instructions
  • Accompany students to alternate site, if needed
  • Accompany students back to the classroom and take attendance
  • Remember 911
  • Note: Propane is heavier than air and will tend to initially pool at floor level if it has leaked. It doesn’t take long, however, for it to expand and fill all available space. Avoid any action that could cause a spark
  • If you smell a strong odor of gas, immediately evacuate the classroom and notify the principal’s office
  • Upon notification of a gas leak not in your classroom, do not operate any electrical switches or turn any equipment off/on. Do not use portable radios
  • Follow the evacuation route passed over PA
  • Take attendance
  • All classrooms should have a radio. Turn it on and listen for updates from administrators