Emergency Preparedness

Bomb Threats

  • Keep the caller on the phone as long as possible. DO NOT hang up. If possible, signal for someone to listen with you.
  • If a student answers the phone, get an adult to the phone as soon as possible
  • Signal to someone to alert the head of school, front office or any other administrator
  • Write down everything the caller says
  • Use Bomb Threat Checklist ASAP and ask questions on checklist
  • Identify background noises
  • After call is over, write down impression of caller
  • Dial 9-*57 for a phone trace before dialing any other number
  • Notify police immediately
  • When informed of need to evacuate due to bomb threat, open windows and leave classroom door open. Leave light/computers on. Do not use radios as they might activate the bomb
  • Evacuate via safe route. Ensure students are at least 500 feet away from the building
  • Follow vacation procedures
  • Enact bomb threat management plan 
  • All classrooms should have a radio. Turn it on and listen for updates from administrators
  • School personnel should check the personnel area that they are occupying (i.e. classroom, gymnasium) for any suspicious packages or items that cannot be accounted for. Do not touch them and note their location
  • If evacuation is warranted students and staff will remove their own personal items only (i.e. book bag, backpack, clothing or briefcases)
  • School officials should pre-check evacuation route and pre-designated meeting area for any suspicious items or packages

Bomb Threat Checklist: 


  • Exact time of call: ______________________ AM / PM
  • Phone Extension: ______________________


  • Exact words of the caller:



Ask the following questions:

  •  When is the bomb going to explode? ________________________________________
  •  Where is the bomb right now?______________________________________________
  • When was it placed there?_________________________________________________
  • What does it look like? ____________________________________________________
  • What kind of bomb is it?  __________________________________________________
  • What will cause it to explode? ______________________________________________
  • Did you place the bomb? Why? _____________________________________________
  • How do you know about this?  ______________________________________________
  • Where are you calling?  ___________________________________________________
  • What’s your address?  ____________________________________________________
  • What is your name?  _____________________________________________________


Identify Characteristics: 

  • Description of caller’s voice (circle one): Young, middle-aged, old, male, female, calm, excited, giggling, hostile, argumentative, intoxicated, accent, speech impediment, loud, muffled, normal, or other __________________________________________________


  • If the voice is familiar, who does it sound like? _________________________________


  • Background noises (circle one):  Music, traffic, children, talk, typing/computer, 

Or other _______________________________________________________________


  • Time caller hung up ______________________ AM / PM


  • Remarks_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Received by_____________________________________ Date ________________________